
  • Load Ulvac Heliot 301 Manual
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 6. 06:25
    1. Load Ulvac Heliot 301 Manual Diagram
    2. Ulvac Heliot
    Load Ulvac Heliot 301 Manual

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    As thin as a standard sheet of paper, Thermex changescolor to reveal relative temperature distribution between any two contacting surfaces. Upon exposure totemperature, the Thermex® sheet instantaneously and permanently changes color, with the intensity ofthat color directly related to the temperature it was exposed to. This allows Thermex to reveal spot high orlow temperature zones. Thermex® is inexpensive, precise and disposable. Agus Choiron 1, Yoshihiro Kurata 2, Shigeyuki Haruyama 3 and Ken Kaminishi 4AbstractThe contact width is important design parameter foroptimizing the design of new metal gasket for asbestos substitutiongasket. The contact width is found have relationship with the heliumleak quantity.

    In the increasing of axial load value, the helium leakquantity is decreasing and the contact width is increasing. This studyprovides validity method using simulation analysis and the result iscompared to experimental using pressure sensitive paper. The resultsdenote similar trend data between simulation and experimental result.Final evaluation is determined by helium leak quantity to checkleakage performance of gasket design. Considering the phenomena ofposition change on the convex contact, it can be developed theoptimization of gasket design by increasing contact width.I. INTRODUCTIONASBESTOS gaskets is a good gasket to prevent leakage andused for plumbing in many industries. However, it isextremely chemical substance dangerous, causing seriousillnesses.

    In Japan, the production of asbestos and its usagehave been decided to be banned since 2008. The developmentof alternative gasket material has been begun in Japan morethan 20 years ago, but it has not given any satisfactory result.

    Ingeneral, alternative gasket materials are less elastic thanasbestos and they need much adjustment on pipe joints toprevent leaks. The costs of alternative gasket material at timeare too expensive. But perceptions are gradually changing asthe reason for the delay of the material alternative development,and there was no alternative material could replace asbestosgasket after it is being banned on the production and usage. Asit is extremely urgent to solve the situation above immediately,the development of alternative gasket materials to replacedasbestos gasket is an important social issue.Saeed H.A et al. 1 proposes super seal gasket, a new metalgasket that incorporates strategically placed circumferentialannular lips. These lips, owing to the spring effect of the metal,form seal line with flanges.

    The result justify the selection of contact area as a reasonable evaluation creation as designparameter to optimize 25A metal gasket for leakageperformance. From this study, 25A gasket shape is optimized,but limits size of contact area as design parameter is not definedyet.Haruyama S.

    2 investigated the limits size of contactwidth as gasket design parameter. In this study, the gasketleakage is identified using leak quantity from helium test withjustification from the presence of leak by water test. Thecriterion for gasket with no leakage is the gasket with heliumleak quantity less than 1.0×10 -6 Pa.m 3/s with contact widthlimits is 0.8 mm for upper or lower convex contact.

    This value,furthermore, is used as decision criteria for the evaluation of theperformance of the gasket design for 25A metal gasket.C.Y. 3 used pressure sensitive paper to measurethe contact width and the pressure profile of the lip seal due toits accuracy, speed, and economic cost.

    In this study, usingsimilar method, contact width on metal gasket using the elasticeffect for asbestos alternative gasket derived from FEManalysis will be validated by the one derived from pressuresensitive paper. Similar trend data is expected from thevalidation process. The results will be used in the developmentof the performance of the gasket design using contact width as amain parameter for gasket design.II. METHODOLOGYThe gasket used in this research is circumference beadsgasket as illustrated in figure 1. The shape of the gasket isproduced by a mold press.

    When the gasket is tightened to theflange, each bead of both surfaces of gasket created elasticeffect and produced high local contact stresses to preventleakage. This circumstance made the range of conventionalclamping load could be possible to use. The dimension ofgaskets used is standard dimension based on JISB2404 4 with1.45 mm of gasket thickness. On the other hand, material usedis SUS304 due to its effectiveness in high-temperature andhigh-pressure environment. In order to ensure the properties ofthe test material, SUS304 is initially examined using tensile testcarried out based on JISZ2241 5. The results is plotted in thestress-strain diagram as shown in figure 2.The diagramindicates the nominal stress (s) of SUS304 is 398.83 MPa andthe modulus of the elasticity is 210 GPa.

    The SUS304 stress-strain diagram2.1 Contact width measurementTo validate contact width parameter of the proposed newgasket directly, Fuji pressure sensitive paper was used. Due tothe ease of application, validation method using prescalepressure sensitive paper is one of most popular methods used incontact area and pressure in joint measurement for industrialpurpose. Prescale pressure sensitive paper is able to produce anaccurate and economic permanent high resolution surfacetopography of contact pressure distribution 6. The firstprocedure of validation method is to form the paper into thedesigned form. The designed form is furthermore placed inbetween the joining parts of gasket and flange as show in figure3. The tightening process is carried out based on the clampingload. After the load is applied, red patches will be stamped inthe paper as an illustration of pressure distribution profile thatoccurred between the two surfaces.

    The focus of this research isto observe red patches stamped in the paper and measurecontact width of the gasket directly. The points of measurementare located on and under the gasket and measurement areperformed at four point of contact width as depicted in figure 4. The contact width measurement on the upper and lower ofpressure sensitive paperUsing two dimensional assumptions, elastoplastic model ismade to adopt compression displacement in axial direction ongasket in between the upper and the lower of the flange (figure5). This modeling is undertaken using finite element methodanalysis software MSC Marc 7.

    The flange is assumed as rigidbody in both sides. The gasket is in the contact condition to thelower side of the flange, and then the upper side of the flangepressed the gasket in axial direction as shown in figure 6. Inaxisymmetric analysis used in this research, Mises's yieldcondition was applied for plastic yield condition, updatedLagrange method was used for formulation of non-lineardeformation behavior, and Newton-Raphson method wasutilized for elucidation of nonlinear solution equation. Axisymmetric gasket model2.2 Leak quantity measurementThe schematic diagram of the helium leak measurementdevice, as shown in figure 7, was developed for leak quantityevaluation test of the gasket. In order to evaluate gasketperformance, quantitative measurement of leak flow by thehelium gas was undertaken. In this research, the vacuummethod which has the highest detection ability in the heliumleak measurement was selected and utilized based on JIS Z23308 and JIS Z2331 standard 9.

    The schematic diagram of the helium leak measurement deviceIn the test chamber, the helium gas was injected in the outerpart of gasket. The content of residual oxygen in the chamberwas measured by the oxygen density sensor. The heliumdensity in the outer part of gasket could be calculated and themeasurement is performed when the oxygen density is below0.2 %, and helium density above 99 % at the atmospherecondition. Using helium leak detector (HELIOT 702D1ULVAC corporation production), the minimum leak quantitythat could be detected by this instrument examination is 1.0E -11Pa.m3/s, and the maximum one is approximately 1.0E -03Pa.m3/s.

    Measurement is taken from 300 to 500 seconds toavoid the influence of leak flow fluctuation at the time of theinitial measurement.The flange used in this test was a general-purposed flangebased on JISB2220 10 with 10 K pressure and 25A diameteras shown in figure 8. The flange and joint was welded carefullyto avoid a distortion. To avoid the experiment error due to theleakage from the joint of the flange and pipe, the leak flowquantity of joint part was also calibrated. Appearance of general-purpose 25A flangeClamping load of the flange is caused by the tightening offlange by bolt. Converting tightening torque of bolt into the axial load is general procedure in clamping load evaluation.However, the accurate axial load prediction could not bereached due to various friction coefficient of each bolt and nutin the clamping. Variation of the clamping load due to clampingorder of the bolt also contributed to the inaccurate axial loadprediction. On the other hand, one type of experiment isundertaken by adding compression load to flange usinguniversal testing machine in order to cope with these problems.In this research, axial load measurement was held byembedding strain gauge to the bolts, therefore the axial loadcould be directly measured (figure 9).

    For the evaluation of theclamping load and the leak quantity, the leak quantity ismeasured based on the measurement of helium leak flowquantity. The variation of clamping load measured are 10, 15,20, 25 and 30 kN for each bolt. The axial load of each bolt wasmonitored in order to adjust the appointed axial load error tobelow 3%. Leak measurement test resultThe leak measurement result of the proposed gasket is shownin figure 13. It is indicated from the figure that the leak quantitydecreased with increasing of axial load. In addition, when axialload exceeds 60 kN, the inclination of leak quantity decrementis larger.

    In this study, the qualitative explanation produced bywater pressured test is transformed into quantitative value usinghelium leak test. Therefore, quantitative decision criterion toprevent the leak is determined under the condition of heliumleak quantity below the 9.6×10 -6 Pa.m3/s. It is observed that theleak by water pressure test did not occur at 10 MPa condition asshown in table 1. This value is furthermore taken as decision criteria for the evaluation of the performance of the gasketdesign in this recent research. TABLE I COMPARISON OF HELIUM LEAK QUANTITY AND WATER PRESSURE TESTRESULT (Haruyama S., et.all:2009)The results denote similar trend data between simulation andexperimental result. Disagreement between results produced byboth methods occurs due to the phenomena of position changeon the convex contact, especially on the outer side of the gasketat each increment load (figure 14).

    The value of position changeas shown in figure 15 denoted that the convex contact 1 and 4have bigger value of position change than the convex contact 2and 3. Therefore the value of contact width produced byexperimental result tends to be larger than the one produced bysimulation. Based on it, the contact width at convex contact 2and 3 is more considered for analysis than convex contact 1 and4.

    In addition, surface roughness of gasket is one importantfactor to consider in simulation for contact width determinationin the next study. The value of position change on the convex contactIn the increasing of axial load value, the helium leak quantityis decreasing and the contact width is increasing. Based on thiscircumstance, it can be concluded that the contact width hasrelationship with the helium leak quantity. This fact is veryuseful if used in the evaluation of gasket performance. Theresult of the present study shows that the contact width can beemployed to evaluate the sealing performance.

    This conclusionhas a good agreement with the previous research 1-2. Forfurther optimization, this method can be developed to increasecontact width and obtain low loading on gasket metal. For nextresearch, the contact width size evaluation will be conductedfor other size gaskets. Finally, this study suggest the importanceof simulation work at pre-design stage to clarify the mainparameters of gasket design analysis due to its effective abilityto optimize the design before mass production.IV. CONCLUSIONThe comparison between simulation analysis using MSCMarc and contact width measurement result using pressuresensitive paper is analyzed. From the study, it can be concludedthat the results denote similar trend data between simulationand experimental result. Disagreement between resultsproduced by both methods occurs due to the phenomena ofposition change on the convex contact size.

    Considering thephenomena of position change on the convex contact, it can bedeveloped the optimization of gasket design by increasingcontact width.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThanks are addressed to the Strength of MaterialLaboratory Research Group, Yamaguchi University for theirhelp.References. Saeed, H.A, Izumi S., Sakai S., Haruyama S., Nagawa M., Noda H.,“Development of New Metallic Gasket and its Optimum Design forLeakage Performance”, Journal of Solid Mechanics and MaterialEngineering, Vol. 1, pp.105-114, 2008.

    Load Ulvac Heliot 301 Manual Diagram

    Haruyama S., Choiron M.A, Kaminishi K., “A Study of Design Standardand Performance Evaluation on New Metallic Gasket”, Proceeding the 2nd International Symposium on Digital Manufacturing, Wuhan China,pp. 107-113, 2009. C.Y. Wen, “Simulation andexperimentation on the contact width and pressure distribution of lipseals”, Tribology International Vol. 915–920, 2006. JIS B2404, Dimensions of gaskets for use with the pipe flanges, JapaneseStandards Association, 2006.

    JIS Z2241, Method of tensile test for metallic materials, JapaneseStandards Association, 1998. Pressure measuring film-FUJI prescale film instruction manual. MSC Marc 2007. User manual. JIS Z2330, Standard recommended guide for the selection of helium leaktesting, Japanese Standards Association, 1992. JIS Z2331, Method of helium leak testing, Japanese StandardsAssociation, 2006.

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    JIS B2220, Steel pipe flanges, Japanese Standards Association, 2004.

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